Still, I never expected this statue to be almost 16 feet tall. I remember going to the Louvre and the disappointing realization upon seeing La Jaconde for the first time and figuring out it was practically the size of a postage stamp. So much hype for a little piece of art. Sure it's a gorgeous masterpiece, but the crowds to even get near enough to actually see her made it hardly worth it. Who knew size matters when it comes to viewing famous art. Now David, despite his minimal manhood, really lived up to the hype. Gorgeous and inspiring. I sat and contemplated him for quite a while.

Then I continued on to the Campanile, which to keep with our current theme, is one hell of a phallic symbol. I am proud to say I climbed the entire 412 steps to the very top. It is requested that those with heart conditions refrain from taking this journey. Still nowhere in the fine print does it suggest that those with claustrophobia also avoid the trek. Let me tell you, as you climb higher, the stairwell gets narrower and narrower. This would not be such a problem if I were the only tourist in the building. But guess what! It's practically a party in Firenze this time of year and all these gorgeous, must-see places are packed with adventurers like myself. I will say, the 6 euros, heart palpitations and shortness of breath were well worth it. The view was spectacular. I would say it was the highlight of the trip so far, but honestly, David still takes the top spot and I know it's only the beginning.
The only down side so far are the emergent blisters on my feet. I have "bought just for this trip, broken-in at work and even some various travels" shoes, which are not doing my feet any favors. Gratefully I have availed myself of the pharmacies here, which is quite a treat. There are so many awesome, only available by prescription in the US, but over the counter in Italy products that it almost makes it a pleasure to have a malady. So onward and upward Firenze tourist!
FYI - Internet is sparse between here and Thursday, when I join my classmates. I also have been taking lots of pictures which I hope to post soon. So far, finding working internet, my power cord with Italian power adaptor and my camera, including USB cord all in one practical moment seems to be quite the magic trick. It could also be the jet lag having its way with me. Chi sa? (Who knows?)
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